Health & Safety Policy HD01.1 Channel Fire Systems will comply with responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and other relevant safety legislation with regards to its employees and others. It is the policy of the company to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, transport, equipment and systems of work for all employees. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities and will act positively where possible, to prevent injury, ill health, damage and loss to both property and the environment arising from our services of care support.
Therefore the company accepts the responsibility:
- To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions on their premises taking account of relevant statutory requirements and ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities with regards to health and safety matters.
- To foster an interest in Health & Safety throughout the company’s activities and consolidate this into a constant awareness and responsibility for these matters at work and for management to set an example in safe behaviour.
- To provide such training as may be relevant to their particular operations to assist employees at all levels to perform their work safely and efficiently.
- To make available such safety devices and protective equipment as may be appropriate and to secure the supervision of their use.
- The company will actively carry out risk assessments of all aspects of the business. 6) See that all new Company or legal instruction in respect of Health & Safety is communicated to all employees, keeping them abreast of standards, codes of practice and relevant statutory provisions.
- To establish and regularly review objectives and legal obligations to continually improve safe systems of work, recording these in regular Management Reviews.
Employees of the company have a duty to co-operate in this objective:
- By working in a safe and efficient manner with regard to not only their own safety but also that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
- By properly using safety devices and protective equipment provided and by meeting statutory obligations.
- By reporting any incident that has or could have caused injury or damage and follow the correct accident reporting procedure.
- By co-operating in the investigation of accidents with the object of introducing measures to minimise the possibility of recurrence.
- By adhering to company procedures and observing instructions designed to contribute to the protection of health and safety.
Discussion about Health & Safety, accident prevention and environmental issues will be encouraged at all levels of employee. To this end safety meetings will be held on a regular basis.
This statement of health & safety policy will be communicated to all employees of the company and interested third parties.
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- Channel Fire Ltd