The Company is committed to protecting the environment of the Earth. To minimise environmental impacts concerning our Fire Systems and associated services, and to ensure compliance and commitment to ISO 14001 we shall:
- Comply with applicable legal requirements ISO 14001 and other requirements to which the Company subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects.
- Prevent pollution, reduce waste and minimise the consumption of resources via the continual improvement and use of technologies.
- Educate, train and motivate employees to carry out tasks in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Encourage environmental protection among our, suppliers and partnering services.
- Regularly review company objectives and targets to encourage environmental improvements.
The Company is committed to continual improvement of environmental performance. This policy will be communicated to all staff, suppliers, and partnering service companies and made available to the public.
The Director has the overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy, which is reviewed regularly at Management Review.
To download and read our full environmental policy please click here.
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- Channel Fire Ltd